
Western Region Communicators

Purpose of the committee:

  • Develop a communications strategy for the Western Region Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station Joint Enterprise.


  • Increase visibility of Research and Extension Impacts.
  • Increase awareness of the region’s collective research and Extension activities.
  • Strengthen partnerships with WGA, CSG-West, and WIR-NACo organizations and others not mentioned.


  • Products that will be used to tell the Western Region’s story to national organizations such as ECOP, ESCOP and NIFA.
  • Communications strategy and products shared by western LGU’s in the states, territories, and U.S. protectorates.
  • Western Region Communications Playbook (Updated June 24, 2022)

Western Region Communicators List (maintained by regional representative on the APLU Communication and Marketing Committee). Please notify Jennifer Alexander of any necessary changes for your institution.

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