
Research Reporting: Why it matters and how to do it well.

Annual reports are the basis and foundational source material for the impact reporting conducted by science communicators at Land Grant Universities. In an effort to improve the quality of reports submitted to NIMSS, REEPort, the National Land Grant Impacts database and other databases by all research and Cooperative Extension personnel with reporting responsibilities, Sara Delheimer, the Impact Communication Specialist, has developed a short Prezi, “Research Reporting: Why it matters and how to do it well,” that explains what good reporting looks like, including examples. All Multistate Committees are encouraged to view this presentation as part of their regular annual meetings and make adjustments to their annual reports, accordingly. In addition, directors are encouraged to share this presentation with faculty.

Workshops for Faculty/Impact Writers: For the cost of travel, Sara Delheimer can deliver a customized workshop to faculty and impact writers at your institution designed to improve reporting of project impacts. Email Sara Delheimer for more information.

To watch online:

  • Click “start Presi” in the screen above or click on the link: A presentation window will appear on your screen.
  • Turn on your speakers. This presentation includes a voice over.
  • Click the “full screen” button in the navigation bar at the bottom of the presentation window.
  • Use right and left arrow keys to navigate back and forth between slides.

Download & Print! Research Reporting Handout

To download and watch from your computer:

  • Click here to download a zipped file that contains the presentation and the Prezi application (required to run the presentation on your computer)
  • Select “Save File” and click OK (…wait for it to download…)
  • Open the zip file you downloaded. Then open the folder named “research-report531f3a42”
  • Double click on the application called “Prezi” and select “Extract all” when prompted
  • Chose the folder to extract to and click “Extract” (…wait for extraction…)
  • Navigate to the extracted folder and open it
  • Double click on the Prezi icon to play the presentation.


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