
New Deans’, Director’s, and Administrators’ Orientation Planned

The Board on Agriculture Assembly (BAA) will be hosting a New Deans’, Directors’, and Administrators’ Orientation in Washington, DC on December 10-12, 2019. This event is aimed at administrators, individuals supporting administrators or faculty, and USDA-NIFA personnel having two years or less of experience in their administrative positions as well as any others who would like to learn more about USDA-NIFA, building federal and private partnerships for their land-grant programs, and leadership tools while meeting colleagues from across the nation.

The learning objectives of the orientation workshop are:

  • meet, talk, and network with NIFA’s National Science Liaisons;
  • interact with a national expert on leading organizational change and gain valuable tips from experienced administrators on how to overcome obstacles, set your house in order, and lead change;
  • learn national-level engagement strategies to influence federal legislation and decisions made by USDA-NIFA and other federal agencies;
  • connect with Congressional and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) staffers, university government affairs representatives, Cornerstone Government Affairs, and other advocacy and public relations individuals; and
  • build skills, gather tools, and develop an understanding of the networks to move your advocacy needs forward.

Registration for this event will be available in the very near future.

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