
AA Virtual Notebook

The Administrative Advisor (AA) is the key person in the development and management of a multistate research or an integrated research and extension activity. All western Administrative Advisors are appointed by the MRC with the approval of agInnovation-West. We appreciate your willingness and commitment to serve as an Administrative Advisor to a Western Region multistate project (W- research project, WCC- coordinating committee or WERA – integrated education/extension/research activity). You serve a key role to ensure that the multistate research program meets the needs of stakeholders, requirements of agInnovation-West and federal statutory requirements as outlined by the AREERA of 1998.

This virtual notebook is assembled to assist you in carrying out your duties as an administrative advisor. Should you think of additional information that would be helpful or may come across information that should be posted here, please email your regional system administrator.

Table of Contents

I.  History and philosophy of Multistate Research Program

II.  Western Region Supplementary Guidelines

III.  MRC and the Regional Review Process

IV.  Role of the Director’s Office

V.  Multistate Reporting Requirements

VI.  Role of the Administrative Advisor

VII.  Specific Duties of the AA

VIII.   Using the NIMSS

  • NEW!! NIMSS Basics Training: A 35 minute video that covers most of the functions required for Administrative Advisors and those functioning as or on behalf of an AES station director.
  • NEW!! NIMSS Handbook

IX.      FAQs

X.        Other Useful Information

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