
Impact Statement Portfolio, 2011 & 2012 Multistate Research Projects

A portfolio of impact statements for Multistate Research Projects that ended in 2011 or 2012 is now available (NOTE: Some 2012 terminating projects are not included because impact statements have not yet been finalized).

Background on the Impact Reporting Effort

Effective communications of research outcomes is crucial to maintaining as well as building support for such programs. In order to effectively communicate impacts and outcomes of the multistate research program in each region, the NSRP001 Management Committee committed funds to support the hiring of a professional writer to prepare impact statements for all terminating multistate research/coordination projects, including NRSPs, to communicate the importance of Land Grant Universities and the funding required to sustain and grow the Agricultural Experiment Stations and Extension to the general electorate and influential leaders of America and American agriculture.

Since July 2012, the impact writer has designed a template for publishing Impact Statements that is visually appealing and facilitates comprehension, completed 42 impact statements for Multistate Research and National Research Support Projects that terminated in 2011 and 2012, helped to develop an archiving system for impact statements in NIMSS, and written several press releases and stories for the media to promote key outcomes and milestones reached by multistate research project teams. Completed impact statements are now regularly published on regional website and are promoted by AgIsAmerica via their web page ( and social media.

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