This is notice of a relevant event for WAAESD members.
2021 Western Region Joint Summer Virtual Meeting
Planning is underway for a virtual meeting to take place during the June 28-July 1, 2021 dates. Stay tuned for a schedule and log in information.
New Deans’, Director’s, and Administrators’ Orientation Planned
The Board on Agriculture Assembly (BAA) will be hosting a New Deans’, Directors’, and Administrators’ Orientation in Washington, DC on December 10-12, 2019. This event is aimed at administrators, individuals supporting administrators or faculty, and USDA-NIFA personnel having two years or less of experience in their administrative positions as well as any others who would … Read more
Making Sense of the Alphabet Soup
BAA, APLU, WAAESD, NEED, AHS, NIFA…trying to make sense of the alphabet soup of acronyms casually and expertly tossed around at meetings? Download our Acronym Guide!