ESS Award Recipients
Western Section Award
Mark McGuire
Western Section Award
Glenda Humiston
W 4045-Agrochemical Impacts on Human and Environmental Health: Mechanisms and Mitigation
Dr. Jennifer Lachowiec
Montana State University
Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology
Wanda Crannell
M.Sci Advisor, Instructor and Program Coordinator
Dr. Kathleen Boyce Rodgers
Washington State University
Department of Human Development
Western Section Award
Milan P. Shipka
Multi-state W-4003 Parental Practices supporting positive eating behaviors during independent eating occasions among early adolescent children. Research team member, Siew Sun Wong, Oregon state with Chris Davies.
The Western Academic Program Section presented the Teaching and Student Engagement Award to Dr. Heloisa Moreno Rutigliano, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal, Diary and Veterinary Sciences, Utah State University. Claus Tittiger, Associate Director of Academic Affairs, University of Nevada with Chris Davies.
Western Section Award
John Tanaka
W-4188 Soil , Water, and Environmental Physics to Sustain Agriculture and Natural Resources
Individual Award
Shannon Archibeque-Engle